Monday, March 14, 2011

Terremoto Tempo

Amidst a myriad of sobering scenes and distressing footage from Japan, come reports that the magnitude of recent events was such that the earth's rotation has been disturbed:

'Analysis of data from Japan's 8.9 scale earthquake will no doubt reveal a great deal about many aspects of large-scale earth movements such as this, but one thing has already become clear: The enormity and power of this event was such that it caused the earth's rotational speed to be affected- temporarily increased by 1.6 microseconds- which amounts to a infinitesimally small reduction in the measured length of an earth 'day'. This can be attributed to the shifting of Japan's land mass by about eight feet. In the great Alaska 9.2 quake of March 1964, the energy released was estimated to be the equivalent of 12,000 atomic bombs of the type dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. Later measurements revealed that as far away as Houston, Texas, the ground actually was lifted temporarily some four inches, and in Southern Florida, two and a half inches.
It will no doubt be some time before fully comprehensive data will be assembled and examined, perhaps many years. But is very clear- the understanding, realisation and acceptance of the scope and extreme urgency to be prepared for such events as this is no longer simply necessary- it's crucial reality in the existence and survival of human beings on this planet.'
