Sunday, March 27, 2011

The King of Limbs

We're well aware at this stage that Radiohead are quite the wily bunch, and that they take great pleasure in keeping us on our toes, but they've truly outdone themselves with the release of their hotly anticipated eighth studio album.

First came a surprise announcement via their Dead Air Space site, stating that King of Limbs would be available for download from February 19th. It then emerged that they were following the Japanese clock (as one does), and so it arrived online a day early.

Now it appears that we'll not have to wait until May to procure a hard copy of the album, which will go on sale tomorrow, with early birds receiving a copy of accompanying newspaper, The Universal Sigh

The blogosphere has since abounded with in-depth and often agonised analyses as to respective merits and shortcomings of the record. I for one would not so much as presume to question the musical motivations of so near perfect a band, and plan to sponge it up, unthinking and happy.

Also liking Thom (with a h) 's interpretive dance moves on Lotus Flower, the first single from the album.