Sunday, October 2, 2011

20th Century Boy

Owing to having been slightly swamped in 
work, of late, the aforementioned 'Book a Week' 
challenge has become a book a month, at best.
Continuing in a similar air of debauchery, Dandy in 
the Underworld is the autobiography of the eloquent, 
if completely mental, Sebastian Horsley, perhaps best 
known for his late adventures in voluntary crucifixion.
Named for a Marc Bolan album of the same
title, it has thus far made for charming reading -
unusually so, for a work that concerns itself with
the more idiosyncratic of the human appetites. 
As coroner Paul Knapman put it, Horsley was
'the author of his own misfortune'. It would seem
as though this was quite literally the case.