Thursday, March 3, 2011

No Man Can Find The War

Thursday Trivia...

> On this date in 1978, the remains of Charlie Chaplin were stolen from his grave in Switzerland, being discovered eleven weeks thereafter near Lake Geneva

> In 1896, the shortest war in history culminated when Zanzibar surrendered to Britain after just thirty-eight minutes

> Following the death of her poet husband, Mary Shelley (author of Frankenstein) kept his heart wrapped in silk for the rest of her days

> The bloodhound is the only animal whose evidence is admissible in U.S. courts 

> Fifteen people are confirmed to have died while tilting vending machines in attempt to avail of their contents

> Madonna reportedly suffers from garophobia, a fear of thunder 

> In 1981, a 'magical' Kenyan tortoise was sentenced to death for the murder of six people. He was later freed when the government promised an investigation into the case